Xiamen Lend Adhesive Tape Co.,Ltd    E-mail: info@lendtape.com

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Notice on Holding the 2022 (18th) China Hot Melt Adhesive Professional Summit Forum
Notice on Holding the 2022 (18th) China Hot Melt Adhesive Professional Summit Forum... View More>>
Current Situation of China's Adhesive and Adhesive Tape Industry
Current Situation of China's Adhesive and Adhesive Tape Industry... View More>>
Tape Industry Regulations and Sustainability
Tape Industry Regulations and Sustainability... View More>>
My country's adhesive tape industry
My country's adhesive tape industry... View More>>
2020 Adhesive and Adhesive Tape Industry Market Analysis
2020 Adhesive and Adhesive Tape Industry Market Analysis... View More>>
3TREES' 50,000-ton silicone production line was successfully trial-produced
3TREES' 50,000-ton silicone production line was successfully trial-produced... View More>>
What is duct tape? Is there any good duct tape to use?
What is duct tape? Is there any good duct tape to use?... View More>>
Current Situation and Development Trend of China's Adhesive and Adhesive Tape Industry
Current Situation and Development Trend of China's Adhesive and Adhesive Tape Industry... View More>>
Delian Group's new layout in the adhesive industry
Delian Group's new layout in the adhesive industry... View More>>
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